
The Nature of Things

At the invitation of the architecture firm “DnA_Design and Architecture”, the concept and implementation of the exhibition „The Nature of Things“ was developed during a six-week workshop in Songyang, China.

The project focused on the preservation and revival of the region’s handicraft and agricultural tradition. The exhibition space was revetted using clay, inspired by the region’s traditional clay buildings. The exhibition was intended to contribute to the protection of clay construction by raising awareness and sparking appreciation. An emphasis was placed on the simplicity and simultaneous uniqueness of the materials used, showcasing the four basic materials for building a clay house: the stone basis, the wooden frame, the clay wall and the bricks made of fired clay. 

The exhibition was displayed at the Beijing Design Week 2015 and at the Urban Space Art Season in Shanghai.

Field of work  exhibition design
Client — DnA_Design and Architecture
Place — Pingtian/China
Year — 2015
Team  Sandra Holzer +
Thomas Rösler

Photo — DnA_Architecture






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